Election statement and policy papers
Canadians want coherent action and principled leadership. No more manipulative, secretive and unaccountable government. No more everything-but-the-kitchen-sink omnibus bills. We must restore power to Parliament and the people.
Canadians want leadership that speaks for Canada as a whole. We want a well-functioning federation that fosters and requires the open collaboration of all levels of government – federal, provincial, municipal, Indigenous – so that government actually helps Canadians meet our daily challenges: finding and keeping a decent job with decent pay, raising children in a safe and clean environment, caring for elderly parents and disabled relatives, and ensuring enough healthy food is on the table.
Canadians want investments in our social and economic infrastructure and even-handed taxation, to re-establish a shared sense of justice and equality. We want to feel that we are treated fairly and with respect, by each other and by our governments. We want peace and security at home and abroad in a way that balances our rights and responsibilities as citizens, without compromising our fundamental values.
The Green Party believes that our national government – the one government elected by all Canadians – can be a creative and unifying force, building a sustainable economy and jobs, preserving the planet, and creating a more secure world for ourselves and our children.
A vote for the Green Party in 2015 is a vote for this fresh approach and a new beginning for Canada: One Canada for all Canadians.
How do we get there? Here are four ways:
1. Increase employment and social security; real equality of opportunity
- Fair taxation and a liveable income
- Federal fiscal transfers with purpose: equalization, housing, child care, PSE
- Invest in workers and workplaces
- Retirement security; income security for persons with disabilities; our veterans
- A prescription for healthier health care
2. Grow jobs and build a sustainable economy that promotes both prosperity and a healthy environment
- Build the foundations of a dynamic, sustainable economy
- A serious climate change agenda
- Strengthen the Canadian economic union – Lower barriers, build bridges
- Eliminate the infrastructure deficit – Grow jobs and the economy
- Grow fair trade; shape and strengthen global governance
- Agriculture and a food strategy for Canada
- More than a round of applause for arts and culture
3. Peace and security at home and abroad
- Work for peace: Canada as a global leader
- The real security agenda: emergency preparedness and public safety
- A comprehensive overhaul of our immigration and refugee protection system
- More justice in the justice system
- Responsible environmental stewardship for Canada and the world
4. Open, accountable, effective governance that gets things done
- Governments can get along and get things done
- Justice and Reconciliation for Indigenous Peoples
- Make every vote count; restore power to Parliament and the people
25 Reasons to Vote Green for Canadians Under 25
34 Fresh Green Directions To Build A Canada That Works – Together
Statement on the election results in Carleton – October 19, 2015