One Canada is a Canada where we grow our economy and jobs, and where unemployed Canadians have access to support and training, because the best social and economic policy is a good job with fair pay;
Where we have the same quality of healthcare across the country and where we are committed to assuring every Canadian a guaranteed liveable income;
Where we reinforce the essentials of Canadian citizenship and entrench our right to a healthy environment: clean air, clean water, healthy soil, and protecting the ecological balance in our parks, fisheries, forests, oceans and lakes;
Where we eliminate the infrastructure deficit by investing in our towns and cities;
Where skilled citizens can work anywhere in Canada, wherever the jobs are, with training certifications that are universally recognized across the country;
Where we end the mess of barriers to productive economic activity across provincial borders, which hinder employment and business opportunities for Canadians.
It’s a Canada that is committed to rebuilding relationships with indigenous peoples based on mutual recognition, mutual respect, sharing and mutual responsibility; where we establish a respectful partnership and framework for self-government that assures real equality of opportunity and access to quality public services; and
Where we play a constructive role in our global community to assure peace and security for generations to come.